Monday 7 April 2014

A little share from me to you ...

Really enjoy this quote and think its very relevant to what we are doing,

'Research has shown that the regular habit of journal writing can deepen students thinking about their course subjects by helping them to see that an academic field is an area for wonder, inquiry and controversy rathar than simpy a new body of information'

John .C. Bean


  1. Lizzie brilliant - rates to body of knowledge but saying that there is more to it all than that - something more to the debates and discoveries - I just went to two talks one about citizen science and one about art-related community memory at the MappingLondon Nela invited me to see her talk about her work but I injured seeing how people explain the ideas in the inquiries that they were interested in! Glad I went...

  2. Whoops here is the link to what I was talking about Living Maps!!!

  3. wow! that is such an amazing idea! shame theres not more info on the website, as I doubt i'll be able to make the seminar in may! thanks paula!
