Thursday, 17 April 2014

Task 3b: Theories relating to networking


Crisp and Turner describe affiliation as 'a network or support that will help us when we are in need' (2007), this, I feel is so important to remember that as humans we are biologically programmed to want to affiliate with others. I agree that our need for company varies depending on our type of personality, but I also think that certain situations can decide whether you wish to have company or not. Personally, when I have had a long, hard day I just want someone to discuss it with whereas I know one of my flatmates will always hide herself away in her room after a stressful day. I have always been so interested in why humans form strong relationships with others and yet can completely clash with someone else. Within the performing arts industry, unfortunately you need to be able to tolerate everyone as a large amount of performing jobs involve living and working with a small team of people. This industry tends to attract extroverts however it is important to recognize when people want their private time, other wise you could end up causing tensions within the team of people you are working with.


Connectivism suggests we can interact to learn from our professional network. I believe that we are learning everyday and I discover more and more ways of handling tasks and performing from the people that I work with. Not only do I learn what to do, I am also finding out what not to do. In my journal I have found that I come up with my own ideas from disagreeing with the ways that others do things, it would be interesting to see if I put these ideas into practice, whether they would work or not. 

Communities of Practice

I can relate quite easily to the theory that we learn alot from the social interaction with people who share a common interest. I find it so difficult to explain to people the extent of what I do in my job. A lot of my friends who are not in the performing arts industry just thought I performed shows every night and had the whole day to myself, they did not understand about the rehearsal process and other duties that need to be done. However when you speak to people in the same industry as you they seem to see it from your perspective. I feel as though I have learnt a lot from various artists and teachers within the entertainment industry. Everything that I discover helps me to adapt to the ever changing world of performing arts. I have recieved so much invaluable advice.

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